To enable object versioning in an S3 Bucket using Python boto3, you can use the put_bucket_versioning()
function. This guide focuses on utilizing this method to control object versions effectively, ensuring data integrity and secure file handling within your AWS S3 environment.
Below are 3 ways to enable versioning in a target S3 Bucket using AWS-SDK for Python, boto3.
- Example 1: Enabling object versioning in an S3 Bucket using boto3 S3 client API
- Example 2: Enabling object versioning in an S3 Bucket using boto3 S3 resource via S3 Bucket
- Example 3: Enabling object versioning in an S3 Bucket using boto3 S3 resource via S3 Versioning
The following examples achieve the same goal: enabling versioning for the AWS S3 Bucket named ‘radishlogic-bucket’.
Feel free to employ any of these methods in your project based on your comfort level.
You can also check if versioning is enabled on your S3 bucket via Python boto3.
Continue reading How to enable object file versioning on an S3 Bucket using Python boto3