How to connect to WiFi using nmcli

Below are commands that you can use to connect and check the status of your WiFi connection using nmcli.

I usually use this when connecting my Rock Pi running Ubuntu to the WiFi Network. But commands below will also work as long as you have the nmcli in your Linux System.


Turn On WiFi

# Turn on WiFi
nmcli r wifi on

Scan WiFi Networks

# Scan WiFi Networks
nmcli dev wifi
Continue reading How to connect to WiFi using nmcli

How to install WSL on multiple Windows User Accounts

If you are using multiple user accounts in your Windows computer and have installed Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) in one of your users, when you try to run WSL in another account you will encounter the WSL has no installed distributions error.

If you try going to another Windows profile, you will end up with the same error.

Continue reading How to install WSL on multiple Windows User Accounts

How to open Folder in Visual Studio Code using Ubuntu

There are two ways you can do to open a folder in Ubuntu and open it in Visual Studio Code.


The steps below assume that you have installed the following prerequisites.

  • Ubuntu operating system. I tested using Ubuntu 22.04 but this will work in most latest Ubuntu Versions.
  • Visual Studio Code is already installed.
Continue reading How to open Folder in Visual Studio Code using Ubuntu

How to install PostgreSQL 15 on Ubuntu

If you try to run the command sudo apt install postgresql in Ubuntu it will install Postgresql version 14 instead of version 15. As of writing the Ubuntu repository does not include version 15.

Follow the tutorial below for a detailed guide to successfully installing PostgreSQL 15.

Step-by-Step Instructions on Configuring Postgresql 15 in Ubuntu

The following steps were tested in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. If there are new versions of Ubuntu, I will test the steps again and update this post.

1. Installation

1.1 Add the Postgresql Package Repository to Ubuntu

Run the commands below to add the official Postgresql package repository to Ubuntu.

Continue reading How to install PostgreSQL 15 on Ubuntu

How to install a specific version of PostgreSQL in Ubuntu

If you run the command below in Ubuntu it will install the latest version of PostgreSQL in the Ubuntu repository.

# Installs the latest version of PostgreSQL
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-client

As of writing it will install PostgreSQL version 14.

Continue reading How to install a specific version of PostgreSQL in Ubuntu

Running Minikube in AWS EC2 (Ubuntu)

If you are studying Kubernetes and having a hard time running Minikube on an EC2 Instance, you are not alone. I had a hard time doing it when it was my first time.

Below are the steps (and some comments) that I took to help me run Minikube on my EC2 Instance.

Installation of Minikube on EC2 Ubuntu

1. Run a public EC2 Server with the following setup

AMI Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type
Instance Type t3.micro (2 vCPU, 1GB Memory)
Storage 8 GB (gp2)
Tags – Key: Name
– Value: Minikube
Security Group Name: Minikube Security Group
– SSH,
Later we will be editing this.
Key Pair Create your own keypair.
You will need this to SSH to your EC2 Instance

Update: I changed the Instance Type from t2.micro (1 vCPU) to t3.micro (2 vCPU). An update to Minikube required a minimum of 2 vCPUs. The error when running with t2.micro was Requested cpu count 1 is less than the minimum allowed of 2.

t3.micro is no longer in the Free Tier, make sure to stop or terminate the instance after you are done testing to avoid a huge AWS bill.

Thank you to everyone in the comments section who pointed this change.

2. SSH into your created EC2 Instance using your keypair.

ssh ubuntu@<ipv4_public_ip> -i <keypair>.pem

3. Install kubectl

curl -LO`curl -s`/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
chmod +x ./kubectl
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

4. Install Docker

sudo apt-get update && \
    sudo apt-get install -y

Minikube requires Docker. Continue reading Running Minikube in AWS EC2 (Ubuntu)