Access AWS Lambda Environment Variables using Node.js

If you want to get the values of Environment Variables in AWS Lambda using Node.js runtime follow the instructions below.

Node.js Code to Access Environment Variables

To access the Environment Variables of Lambda Functions using Node.js or javascript simply use the code below.

const environmentVariable = process.env.ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE

Let’s say that my environment variable has a name of DB_USER, I will use the code below to get its value.

Continue reading Access AWS Lambda Environment Variables using Node.js

Access AWS Lambda Environment Variables using Ruby

AWS Lambda Environment Variables are a useful way to input configuration values to your AWS Lambda runtime. Especially, when there are configurations that are different in your Development environment compared to your Production environment. Like name of DynamoDB tables or MySQL databases.

Below we discuss how we can retrieve the values of Environment Variables in AWS Lambda using Ruby.

Ruby Code to Access Environment Variables

The code for accessing Environment Variables on AWS Lambda is just the same code for accessing environment variables in your local computer or server.

Here is the code to access environment variables using Ruby.


If we want to get the value of an environment variable with the key of DB_HOST then we will use the code below.

Continue reading Access AWS Lambda Environment Variables using Ruby

AWS Lambda Console: Accessing Environment Variables via Python

Editing configuration values inside the code is a high risk for error since there is a high chance that not only the values that you are changing you will change, you might even delete a letter or edit a line. In order to avoid this risk, you want your code to be able to accept configuration values at run time. This is extremely useful when developing codes on different environments like development, testing and production.

With AWS Lambda you can reuse your code on different environments using the Environment Variables.

Below is the way to use Environment Variables on AWS Lambda Console using Python 3.6.

Note: This is the same way to use Environment Variables on Python 2.7 and Python 3.7.

Environment Variables Setup

The Environment Variables section can be found under the Function Code section.

Environment Variables are Key/Value Pairs. The Key is what you will use on your Lambda Code, to access its Value. Continue reading AWS Lambda Console: Accessing Environment Variables via Python