Project Diary: Self Balancing Robot

I have always wanted to make a self-balancing robot. This post will be a diary on my journey to making one.

I’ll be updating this post as I go along this journey complete with details of the success and frustrations, pictures and expenses.

December 5, 2017 (Tuesday)

Ordered and paid for LSM9DS1 Breakout board from Circuit-Help. This one has an Accelerometer, Gyroscope and Magnetometer in a single board which would really be helpful for this project.

After much research I saw a LSM9DS0 Breakout board in Lazada, much more expensive (₱ 1,446/pc) but has a higher accuracy than the LSM9DS1. Since I already bought the LSM9DS1 Breakout Board I just have to live with my decision.

Expenses for the day

Adafruit 9-DOF Accel/Mag/Gyro+Temp Breakout Board – LSM9DS1 ₱ 905
Shipping (via LBC Express) ₱ 160
TOTAL ₱ 1,065

Total Expense so far: ₱ 1,065

December 6, 2017 (Wednesday)

Circuit-help messaged me that they have already shipped the product. Hopefully, tomorrow it will arrive.

I’m also thinking of buying a two motor wheel robot frame so that I do not have to make the frame. It might be more expensive but at least I have less time to develop the frame. Contemplating on this one –

What I will do is remove the 2 white guide wheels then I will have a 2 wheel robotics frame. Most likely I will be buying this one, but if I buy it now it will be delivered on Friday, unfortunately, I will not be available on Friday so I shall buy it next week then.

December 7, 2017 (Thursday)

The package arrived! Unfortunately, they delivered a used item which had soldered pins without the black bracket. It was not a pin header from Adafruit which has a black bracket.

Here is a photo of the LSM9DS1 Breakout Board from Adafruit with the proper pin headers.

Photo of the LSM9DS1 from Adafruit with the accompanied pin headers to be soldered by the user.

Here is what they delivered to me.

LSM9DS1 Adafruit Breakout Board still inside the package

LSM9DS1 Breakout Board

LSM9DS1 Adafruit Breakout Board with pins soldered

They agreed to make a refund. Yehey! Downside is I have to visit their shop physically which is a hassle since it would take time from me and I have to pay fare to get there. O well.

December 11, 2017 (Monday)

Finally had the free time to visit Circuit-Help for the refund. I got my ₱ 1,065 back. ^_^

Decided to buy the 9-DOF and the 2-wheel motor robot frame from Lazada. The order said it will arrive here on December 13 to 18. Have to make preparations for its arrival.

Pending Expenses

Adafruit 9-DOF Accel/Mag/Gyro+Temp Breakout Board – LSM9DS0 ₱ 1,446
2WD Round Double-Deck Smart Robot Car Chassis Kit ₱ 749.75
Total Pending ₱ 2,195.75

Expenses for the day

Refund from Circuit-Help ₱ -1,065
Roundtrip Fare from house to Circuit-Help ₱ 200
TOTAL ₱ -865

Total Expense so far: ₱ 200

Total Pending Expense so far: ₱ 2,195.75

December 14, 2017 (Wednesday)

Yahoo! The Adafruit 9-DOF Accel/Mag/Gyro+Temp Breakout Board – LSM9DS0 arrived and I paid for it upon delivery. Now I need to find the time to solder the pin headers.

I wonder why what’s making the Robot Car Chassis taking so long to process.

Pending Expenses

2WD Round Double-Deck Smart Robot Car Chassis Kit ₱ 749.75
Total Pending ₱ 749.75

Expenses for the day

Adafruit 9-DOF Accel/Mag/Gyro+Temp Breakout Board – LSM9DS0 (Lazada) ₱1,446
TOTAL ₱1,446

Total Expense so far: ₱ 1,646

Total Pending Expense so far: ₱ 749.75

December 16, 2017 (Saturday)

I was able to find some time to solder the pin headers to the Adafruit 9-DOF Accel/Mag/Gyro+Temp Breakout Board – LSM9DS0 and tested it. It works!!!

Still waiting for the Robot Car Chassis.

December 18, 2017 (Monday)

Finally the 2WD Round Double-Deck Smart Robot Car Chassis Kit arrived! Paid for it then after work I assembled it.

I did not install the 2 white balance wheel since I need to make it balance only using the 2 wheels.

Now I need to design the Arduino Motor Shield with the 9-DOF sensor. My target is to use an Arduino Uno at first.

Expenses for the day

2WD Round Double-Deck Smart Robot Car Chassis Kit ₱ 749.75
Total Pending ₱ 749.75

Total Expense so far: ₱ 2,395.75

Total Pending Expense so far: ₱ 0

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