How to set the default screen resolution for VNC Viewer when Raspberry Pi is not connected to a monitor

A headless setup is when your Raspberry Pi is turned on without a monitor.

The display is not needed usually, especially if your access is only via SSH. The issue would be if you connect via VNC Viewer, the display will look like this.

The icons are too big but the screen is too small.

What’s happening here is that Raspberry Pi will use a very small screen resolution when it is not connected to a monitor. So when you connect via VNC Viewer, VNC will get the same small screen resolution.

To solve this, we need to change the default headless screen resolution of the Raspberry Pi. You can follow the instructions below to set this.

Changing the default screen resolution of a headless Raspberry Pi

Continue reading How to set the default screen resolution for VNC Viewer when Raspberry Pi is not connected to a monitor

How to Fix Typing Wrong Keyboard Characters in Raspberry Pi

The first time I used a Raspberry Pi years ago, I got frustrated that I could not connect to the WiFi Network. So I tested on the text editor if I am typing the correct password. As it turns out, pressing the backslash (\) on the keyboard will type the hashtag symbol (#), and if I press Shift + 2 will type double-quotes (") instead of At sign (@).

The reason for the incorrect characters being typed is by default the Raspberry Pi is set to use a UK-based keyboard layout. To correct this, we need to reconfigure the keyboard layout to the ones we are using.

In my case, I am using a US-based keyboard layout. In the tutorial below that is what I am going to use. You can select the keyboard layout that you are using.

There are several ways to update the Keyboard Layout in a Raspberry Pi, you may choose which one you prefer on the list below.

Continue reading How to Fix Typing Wrong Keyboard Characters in Raspberry Pi